It seems like every time I take over an area we clean the
apartment and we find old teaching records that haven't been out into
our digital area books! It takes a long time to put in each record,
but it helps to find some old contacts and hopefully new people to
teach! We spent a lot of time doing that this week but we found some
pretty cool potential people to teach!
We want to the Easter pageant on Wednesday with our investigator
family, the Scotts. It was so good! They have been going to the
pageant for the past like three years so it was funny to have them
teach us where the best place is to sit and you have to get there
early and bring dinner and stuff. The show was amazing! I hope I can
come back next year and watch it too!
We taught most of our investigators this week and we are
hopefully going to have some baptisms soon! Norma is really prepared
and knows a lot about the gospel, it is amazing to be part of her
Women's conference was so amazing! We went with our recent convert,
Chloe and it was so fantastic! I love how much the topic of service
was emphasized and really how we can become Christ's hands.
Easter Sunday was fantastic. In the YSA ward they had a musical
sacrament meeting and it was so nice! I love our wards :) and then we
were invited to Easter dinner with a family from our other ward. They
really made us feel like part of their family :)
We are working pretty hard out here and really appreciate all the
support and prayers!
Sister Welch
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