Life off the Res - I Don't Know if I Have Laughed This Much in Months - Week 27
SURPRISE!!!! Transfers were this week and I got a new companion! Sister Smith is from Chattanooga, Tennessee and I absolutely love her! She has been out for a little over 6 months and she is a rocking missionary! We have some great times together and it has only been three days! we had a baptism on Saturday! CJ finally got dunked!!! It was so good! The spirit was so strong. We got to teach a lot of lessons this week and we get to go to the Easter pageant on Wednesday with our investigator family! So I was studying this talk earlier this week by Elder Maxwell about the man of Christ and he said a ton of great things! This was my favorite: "He remembers Gethsemane and senses that, sometimes, when a righteous individual is in agony, seemingly alone, he, too, is companied by celestial friends who are nearby, but not so near as to interfere. For the surrender which is underway is also a victory! He knows that having put his hand to the plow he must not look back, because when we are looking back, we are also holding back. He learns, too, in a listening Church, that there are nevertheless those occasions when it is more important for us to say a certain thing than it is for others to hear us. He knows that God loves us, not the gifts he has given us. And yet even one’s gifts must be used within the order and orchestration of the kingdom, lest such gifts be used to harm the very work of the Giver of these gifts." I LOVE this talk. If you want to read it it is from the April 1975 general conference :) love y'all! Also I made these flyers for the new Easter initiative :)

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