good times together and we really balance each other out in the
lessons. We have quite a few progressing investigators. We actually
are having a baptism this Saturday! A 9 yr old boy whose family was
less active but we have been teaching them and they are so great! We
also have four other people on date for baptism at the end of the
month! We also got FREE GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. It like made my life. And
fried bread. It's like the best thing ever. I have to say my favorite
part about the mission so far is every night at dinner time. All of
the missionaries that are serving on the reservation have dinner
together with the members every night and at the end we always leave
with a spiritual thought or scripture. We also have gotten into
singing a hymn every time. It is so amazing, the Spirit gets so strong
and has actually brought people to tears. I absolutely love this
gospel. I know it is the true gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the
earth today. I have prayed about it and received my own witness. I
hope this letter finds you all well. I love hearing from you all! Your
letters through out the week definitely lift my spirits and I love
them! I was asked by a Spanish speaking elder in my zone last night
how many times I have packed my bags to go home. And I looked at him
confused and said...none? He told me he has packed his bags to go home
at least ten times this week, and that made me realize that I am
really sure his is where I am supposed to be. I mean I love and miss
you all but I'm not coming home any time soon :) I love it too much.
Love and prayers,
Sister Welch
Pretty much my comp and I have way too much fun together....