Holy Hannah these past few days have been crazy!!!! I swear one day here feels like a whole week, we do so much stuff all the time! But that is totally a good thing! Idle hands are the devil's playground right? Haha. The journey to the MTC was an interesting one that's for sure! I had a three hour layover in Atlanta where I met an elder that was also travelling to the MTC! So that was pretty cool, and when we boarded the plane for Salt Lake City we met like fifteen elders that were going home! And this is where the spiritual experiences began. I hadn't even gotten to the MTC and I was being taught! The elders asked where we were going and after Elder Jones said he was going to Taiwan I said "oh I'm just going to Scottsdale, Arizona." Then Elder Jones looked at me and said "you're not just going to Scottsdale, you're going to Scottsdale!" (okay I realize that doesn't sound very different, but out loud put emphasis on just and the second Scottsdale...). And when he said that it kind of struck me. Even though it isn't anywhere exotic like Taiwan, Arizona is where I am supposed to be because that is where the Lord needs me.
Nothing much else happened until I got to the MTC ( a little late apparently... ooops) and we jumped right into classes and devotionals. Because I was late I just jumped in a companionship and did't get to meet my actual comp, Sister Johnson, until after dinner. There are six sisters in my room but only four of us are in the same district. FUN FACT: in the other companionship in my district is a Sister Israelsen from Logan, Utah! We are pretty sure she is related to Stan and DeNae but haven't really had too much tome to talk about it. Her companion, Sister Thumstedter, is from Chicago and I absolutely love her. They are both pretty fantastic actually! My companion, Sister Johnson, is from Eagle Mountain, Utah so not too far from where we are now. She is amazing, always smiling and positive! She has a lot to teach me that's for sure! FUN FACT 2: One of my friends from BYU is in my district! It is so weird and hard to call him Elder Muaka! Another sister in my zone is from my ward at BYU but I haven't seen her yet. I see so many more people that I know than I thought I would!
We have been learning a lot about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our purpose as missionaries. I am already learning and growing so much! We have done some role playing already, which can be a little stressful, but our teacher is amazing and knows how to help us say just what we need to. I don't think I have ever prayed so much before in my life. Ever. I think my new mantra is going to be "I can do hard things" I say that all the time now. I know this is going to be hard, but it is also so worth it. I know this is where I am supposed to be. I know I was placed with the people I am for a reason and that I am to learn something from all of them. I absolutely LOVE my district, they are fantastic, we get along so well, and their testimonies are amazing. I can't wait to see what else I can learn from them!
I love you guys SO much!! I forgot to bring my cord to send pictures, but I will totally make a note for next week!
All my love,
Sister Rebecca Welch
Scripture of the week: 3 Nephi 5: 13
P.S. I also forgot my list of emails in my room so if you wanna forward this to anyone, feel free :)
P.P.S. packages are always nice.... hint hint :)